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Commonwealth of Virginia Innovative Technology Symposium

Fiber Network Initiative

IT as Efficiency Driver - Government to Government

Spotsylvania County
Jane Reeve, CIO

Spotsylvania County initiated a multi-year plan to run fiber connectivity strategically throughout the county. By collaborating with schools along existing fiber routes and conduit, the County's $2.2 million capital investment has provided stability and redundancy to 30+ County-owned facilities, and has allowed the additional implementation of advanced technology to improve operations and save annual costs.

Through a phased approach, county facilities, including fire and rescue stations, water tanks, communication towers, community buildings, and other ancillary locations, are now fiber connected back to the County's primary network operating center, which has resulted in a reduction of overall operational costs by approximately $357,000 per year.

The implementation of critical public safety tools has been one of the major resulting success factors; this project has led to a successful implementation of a new digital alert notification system, enhanced online in-station first responder training, and access to general county solutions that were previously not available.

With expansion of fiber throughout the county, community centers now have public wireless access for general public use. Additionally, library stops with computers, books, and other library services have been made available in rural areas of the county where neither library nor broadband service is readily available to residents.

This fiber project has not only improved the County's ability to provide expanded services to its internal users, but has also provided expanded services to its citizens, and reduced the total cost of telecommunications required for needed delivery of services.

The County's $2.2M capital investment was originally planned to have a return on investment (ROI) of approximately seven years; however, the ROI was surpassed at year 5. Most importantly the project has provided stability and redundancy to 30+ County-owned facilities, and has allowed the additional implementation of advanced technology to improve operations and save annual costs.

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