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Commonwealth of Virginia Innovative Technology Symposium

NextGen 911 PSAP

Cross-boundary Collaboration on IT Service Delivery Initiatives

County of Roanoke
David Wray, GIS Manager

Roanoke County has collaborated with adjacent cities to build the foundation of NextGen 9-1-1 services across the Roanoke Valley and created a Real-Time NextGen-9-1-1-valid GIS dataset for Roanoke City, Roanoke County and Salem City Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP).

Data includes Road Centerlines, Address Building Points and/or Polygons, Emergency Service Zones, PSAP Boundaries, Authoritative (Fire and Rescue, Law Enforcement, or PSAP) Boundaries and County/Municipal Boundaries. This consolidated and consistent Geographic Information Systems (GIS) base is vital to the success of NextGen 9-1-1.

Roanoke County led the effort to create a dynamic process to receive and feed GIS data into partner 9-1-1 systems. Each locality determined any data concerns or errors for each dataset and worked to resolve those issues.

Through significant coordination and adoption of technology, NextGen-9-1-1 will use unified networks and data transferability of caller and incident data between localities, for greater resiliency and reliability of services for the public. It also will make use of new telecommunications technologies including voice, photos, videos, and text messages.

The project supports PSAP readiness for future technology and enhances the current efficiency of each municipal public safety agency.

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